Monday, February 28, 2011

Pounds for Crowns Week 1

FINALLY! I lost 3 pounds this week on WW, after gaining the previous 3 weeks on P90X!! This puts me at 163.0 lbs. I am still over a 25 BMI for being overweight, but I am so close to being in a healthy weight range.

This starting week wasn't as hard as I thought it would be. Maybe it's because I'm so excited to be getting rid of this weight. The hardest day of the week was Saturday. Tim and I attended the Apprentice School graduation at the Ferguson Center that afternoon. After the Baccalaureate service, they served a light lunch. In the past, they've had salad, grilled chicken, steamed veggies, etc. But not this year. Ham biscuits (like Hardee's), fried chicken strips, chicken cordon bleu nuggets, potato salad, pasta salad, and egg rolls were all to be found on the buffet table. The egg rolls were 100 calories each (thank God!), and the deviled eggs they had were about 70 calories each. They also had a fruit and cheese area, which helped fill me with less damage to my diet. And dessert? Brownies and an assortment of large, chunky cookies. I ate the same amount of points for a tiny plate of food as I did for 3 trips to the salad bar at Jason's Deli on Sunday! Unbelievable.

Now to the activity which helped burn some of my calories...walking. Thursday morning, I walked for 20 minutes at Boo Williams since it was so cold out. Saturday, while at the graduation, I did a lot of walking to get from the Baccaleureate service to the graduation area. I also had to meet Tim in the back where he took his robe off before and after the graduation. (It was a long walk.) But the best part of the week was yesterday afternoon. We had gotten home from lunch, and Joshua and Tim had laid down to sleep. Instead of watching the basketball game, I decided to take a walk. I walked very briskly for about 45 minutes in the cool air, listening to Pandora Radio on my phone. It was so peaceful. I am looking forward to the next few Sundays to take advantage of this again.

Today, I took Joshua to Chuck E. Cheese for the first time. He has seen some of the commercials so he was familiar with it before we got there. He wasn't afraid of the character that came out to greet the kids or of the rides that bumped him around. He is a little small for most of the games but I got to play those. ;+) It was nice to get out and have a good time. Mostly, it was good to chase him around to help burn calories!

No. I did not watch the Oscars. I was hoping "Toy Story 3" would win Best Picture, but they did not. Other than that, I didn't really care to watch. But I am looking forward to tonight's episode of "The Bachelor." We will found out which 2 ladies will make it to the final rose ceremony. Sometime during the show, they will reveal the newest cast for "Dancing with the Stars." I cannot wait!!! I love, love, love that show. I will be tweeting live (@rngfreckles) if you want to follow along. And of course, I will update here as well.

Just a reminder, only about 15 days are left before my Cystic Fibrosis fundraiser ends! Please read my previous post and get involved before it's too late!

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