Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Working It Out

Super Bowl XLV is now set... Pittsburgh Steelers vs. Green Bay Packers. I'll be cheering for the Packers because they are my mom's team. And I don't like the Steelers. Ha! Can't believe this football season is over. Seems like it just got started a little bit ago. I am looking forward to seeing what New England will do with all these good draft picks. Whether that means getting a bunch of good rookies, or trading the picks for established players, it will be definitely be interesting. Of course, the trading part will only come if they can get the CBA figured out soon.

Tim and I started P90X on Monday. Wow! I am sore today. The meal plan and recipes are pretty good, but time-consuming. The workouts are intense. I think I'm a whimp, though. I can't do a pull-up, sit-up, chin-up or anything-up. I know I'll get better but, right now, you all would laugh if you saw me working out.

Watched Bachelor Monday night. Girls. What were you thinking? Apparently, nothing. The guy is exploring every option each gal is throwing at him. Expect that he is and then focus on you and him. This will keep you and the others out of trouble and away from more drama. What happened to the good, old days when the guy pursued the girl? Let him come to you, ladies, like he did with Emily. (Which, by the way, was sooooo sweet!) Oh, and was anyone else hoping that Michelle would fall off the side of that building? Ha, not me! ;+)

I'll post on the Biggest Loser later. I only got to see the first half due to the State of the Union address. Tim came home and worked out during that time so I started making lunch for today and, well, it took longer than expected. When I watch the second half, I share my thoughts. Have a good afternoon!

Friday, January 21, 2011

Just Call Me Crazy

I volunteered to watch my friend's neice and nephew today. So I currently have a 3 year old, and two one year olds (one is mine) in my house. Joshua is trying to learn the concept of sharing but I don't think he really gets it. Good thing is, Joshua will take a nap once Kyle wakes up. So I should really only be "watching" 2 kids most of the day. Thank you, Lord, for naptime. I'm being funny, of course. All 3 kids are playing really well with each other. I told a few people of my endeavor today, and they told me I was crazy. Well, call me crazy, because I love helping my friend out.

Alright, time for my picks in the games this weekend. AFC: Steelers NFC: Packers My friend (and Steelers fan), Robert, is going to the AFCCG this weekend. Last time he went, they made it to the Super Bowl. Hope he's their good luck charm again. But, I will be cheering for the Packers in the Super Bowl. They are my mom's team. (And I just don't like the Jets or Steelers.)

Sorry this post is short, but having a house full of kids makes it hard to focus. I hear a noise and start wondering what they could be doing, or breaking. I should be back on Monday to post about the games. Hope you have a wonderful weekend.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

TV This Week

Alrighty...the Bachelor. I know everyone either really hates or loves this show. So if you are one of the haters, skip this part. My pick from the very first night has been Emily. Her story broke my heart and I want her to find love! But this week, we find she is still not opening up to Brad. Yes, she told her history on the date...but it was when the date was coming to an end. If she had done it first thing, when he'd given her the opportunity, it would have made the date go so much better. Hopefully, this will not put her behind the others. Speaking of the others, does Michelle seem crazy to anyone? The first night I thought she might be a forerunner. But now, I wish she would do something stupid and get sent home. I was sad to see Madison go home. She was growing on me! I wish her all the best, though. Most of these girls needs to grow up. They get mad over all the kissing and hugging he's doing with the other girls. What do you expect from this show? Most of you watched the first 10 or so seasons and still applied to be there! Crazy...but I guess, that's why we love the show. DRAMA.

Biggest Loser: I have two picks this season. I like Courtney from the Ranch side, and Sarah from the Unknowns side. Courtney has the mindset to win the whole thing. Sarah's story touched my heart and I want to see the best for her life after the show is over. I've been pretty good at picking a winner the last few seasons, but I can't decide which one of these two will make it all the way. On a not-so-positive note, the twins are horrible liars. You cannot tell me they BOTH gained 9 pounds each without trying. I'm sorry. Maybe they did workout and do the actions. But they probably had a food binge when the others weren't around. Dan. Don. We are not stupid. I think you both should have been sent home after being so selfish. That was horrible.

My hubby, Tim, and I will be starting P90X next week. He's doing it to build muscle. I'm doing it to lose weight and build muscle. I still have my "baby weight" on me and my baby is 16 months. So, it's about time to lose those pounds. I'm hoping to lose enough weight by February 11 so I can look good in my swimsuit at Great Wolf Lodge. We take our neices and nephews every year as their Christmas present. I think this may be the last year we go. The kids are big enough that they would probably enjoy the beach more. Tim and I will be going to OBX this summer to check it out. I don't like sand, but if it means a vacation and good food, I'm all for it!

I have to get back to working on my house. My brother-in-law is coming in tonight because he has an interview at the shipyard tomorrow. Don't want the house to be a mess. Have a great afternoon!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

There's Always Next Year

It's times like these that make it hard to be a sports fan. You put a lot of faith into your team, knowing they can accomplish so much more, lose to the smack-talking Jets. I was upset Sunday and Monday. But I've had some time to gather my thoughts. I'm a female, so I get emotional. A little time was all I needed to get over this loss. I am now sooooo ready for next year. Maybe the 2011 season will be our perfect season, complete with SB win. I know what you're thinking, but that's the expectation I start each new season with. Know this - I support my team, win or lose, because that's what good sports fans do. Onward!

Joshua, my son, had his circumcision revised last Thursday. He was such a good boy! Didn't cry one time. I will admit it was quite scary for me. This was the first time he'd ever been put to sleep or had any type of surgery. The nurses were very helpful and eased my mind that he would be okay. He has recovered well, too. I appreciate all the prayers sent up for him!

Yesterday was MLK Day. My hubby was off work so we went to Historic Jamestowne. It was pretty cold but we had a great time. They just found the foundation and remains of the first church ever built in America. One of the top ten finds of 2010. Amazing to be able to stand right next to it! And once it warms up, people will be able to see them dig it all up. If you can't make a trip out here to see it yourself, visit their website and watch the video of the church dig. They update every month!

Well, my baby boy is awake and wanting to get into everything (guess that's what 16 month old boys do)! Better get off here. Make it a great day!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

2011 Resolution

Okay. My resolution for 2011 is to keep up with this blog! I downloaded Blogger-Droid on my phone so I can keep up. Let's fill in from where we left off!

Braces: Love that they are off!!!!! I went right out and ate a cheeseburger (which I scarfed down in 60 seconds). It used to take me a long to time to eat anything that I had to bite into. The little things in life are so underappreciated.

Football: My Patriots are playing the best football ever. I really believe they will make it all the way and win the Super Bowl. I just wish I could be there to see it! I was trying to talk my hubby into going to the AFC Championship game but he said not this year. Oh, well. At least I got to attend the butt-whooping of the Jets on December 6. That was a fun game (my first NFL game, btw). Congratulations to the players who were voted in to the Pro Bowl. Also, congrats to Wes Welker who was selected for the Ed Block Courage Award. If you haven't heard about Wes' foundation, please visit his website and find out more.

Family: My baby boy is almost 16 months. Crazy! Didn't we just celebrate his first birthday? He is having surgery next Thursday. Please pray for him, and for my sanity. I know he'll be okay, but I will probably be a wreck. Tim is finished with the investment property we purchased in October. It should go on the market this week. Let's hope it sells quickly and for the full amount we ask.

SG: Let's see...since my last post, my family has sung a few times. Of course, my favorite is the All-Night Sing we have every November. This year was the best we've had for a long time. Great variety of groups and we went until almost midnight! Also since September, I've had the privilege to see the Mitchum Brothers, the Hoppers, and the Dove Brothers. (We don't get as many "big" SG groups in my area any more, but it's starting to turn around.) The Mitchum Brothers were great, as usual, and the Hoppers blew my socks off. They didn't sing "That's Him," which was disappointing. But the one I really want to talk about is DBQ. I didn't know they had a band. At first, I wasn't sure what they would sound like. I've been so used to them singing with tracks or a pianist. But, I loved it!!! I especially enjoyed the bass guitarist. He did an incredible job! There are probably some other big groups, even non-SG, that would love to get their hands on him.

I would love to post more but my son is having a temper tantrum and throwing things. Gotta go! I promise I'll be back soon with a new post. Have a great day!