Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Green, Yellow, and Bloody Football

Congratulations to the Green Bay Packers on winning Super Bowl XLV! I was only 2 points away from being right on the money with the final score. My husband told me, before the game, the score I had was too high. As the game went on, he changed his tune and said I was going to be pretty close. I love when he knows that I am right!

As I mentioned before, my mom is a Packers fan. We invited my parents over to our house for the game. My son, Joshua, was running around the room while we were eating and watching the game. Next thing we know, he hits the wood floor, face first. He almost put his teeth through his bottom lip and it wouldn't stop bleeding. And he didn't want us to put ice on it so he screamed the whole time. Then, he didn't want anyone but my mom and the only thing that calmed him down was watching SpongeBob. She didn't even get to watch the last half of the game. I felt bad about the whole thing, but she was glad she could help. BTW, Joshua is fine now. He had a swollen lip yesterday but it has gone down a lot today. Poor baby!

I watched "The Bachelor" last night. I didn't think Michelle could get any scarier, but she did last night. I can't believe Brad didn't send her home. I am pretty certain she saw Jake's season and is trying to win like Vienna did...by being a crazy stalker. Now that there is only 6 ladies left, things are going to get even more emotional in the weeks to come. He will have more time to spend with each girl which means more jealousy with the other girls. Oh, what fun!

P90X update: I started Week 3 yesterday. I have been weighing in each week to see how much I'm losing. After Week 1, I gained 1.6 pounds. After Week 2, I lost one pound. So, I am now at +0.6 pounds. Ugh. I have decided to stop doing the exact diet they call for, but I follow the guidelines. If I wasn't losing anything after doing it exactly like they said, I don't see why I can't eat my own way and try to lose more. And Tim has been so busy with school work that he stopped doing the workouts for now. I'm hoping he starts back up next week.

We are going to Great Wolf Lodge this weekend with our families. I was really hoping to have lost a few pounds before getting in my swimsuit, but no hope there. Anyway, it should be a great time. Joshua is old enough this year to enjoy the water and I get to meet my 2 new neices, Sarah and Hannah! I hope to update again before we go, but I never know if Joshua will let me do so. So, just in case...have a great week everyone!


  1. Ya, if he follows Jake's path and actually *chooses* the nutjob, he'll end up disappointed just like Jake did!

  2. Absolutely. I hope Brad is aware of the outcome of that relationship. She is still stirring up trouble! Gia is claiming she stole Wes from her (Bachelor Pad).
