Monday, February 28, 2011

Pounds for Crowns Week 1

FINALLY! I lost 3 pounds this week on WW, after gaining the previous 3 weeks on P90X!! This puts me at 163.0 lbs. I am still over a 25 BMI for being overweight, but I am so close to being in a healthy weight range.

This starting week wasn't as hard as I thought it would be. Maybe it's because I'm so excited to be getting rid of this weight. The hardest day of the week was Saturday. Tim and I attended the Apprentice School graduation at the Ferguson Center that afternoon. After the Baccalaureate service, they served a light lunch. In the past, they've had salad, grilled chicken, steamed veggies, etc. But not this year. Ham biscuits (like Hardee's), fried chicken strips, chicken cordon bleu nuggets, potato salad, pasta salad, and egg rolls were all to be found on the buffet table. The egg rolls were 100 calories each (thank God!), and the deviled eggs they had were about 70 calories each. They also had a fruit and cheese area, which helped fill me with less damage to my diet. And dessert? Brownies and an assortment of large, chunky cookies. I ate the same amount of points for a tiny plate of food as I did for 3 trips to the salad bar at Jason's Deli on Sunday! Unbelievable.

Now to the activity which helped burn some of my calories...walking. Thursday morning, I walked for 20 minutes at Boo Williams since it was so cold out. Saturday, while at the graduation, I did a lot of walking to get from the Baccaleureate service to the graduation area. I also had to meet Tim in the back where he took his robe off before and after the graduation. (It was a long walk.) But the best part of the week was yesterday afternoon. We had gotten home from lunch, and Joshua and Tim had laid down to sleep. Instead of watching the basketball game, I decided to take a walk. I walked very briskly for about 45 minutes in the cool air, listening to Pandora Radio on my phone. It was so peaceful. I am looking forward to the next few Sundays to take advantage of this again.

Today, I took Joshua to Chuck E. Cheese for the first time. He has seen some of the commercials so he was familiar with it before we got there. He wasn't afraid of the character that came out to greet the kids or of the rides that bumped him around. He is a little small for most of the games but I got to play those. ;+) It was nice to get out and have a good time. Mostly, it was good to chase him around to help burn calories!

No. I did not watch the Oscars. I was hoping "Toy Story 3" would win Best Picture, but they did not. Other than that, I didn't really care to watch. But I am looking forward to tonight's episode of "The Bachelor." We will found out which 2 ladies will make it to the final rose ceremony. Sometime during the show, they will reveal the newest cast for "Dancing with the Stars." I cannot wait!!! I love, love, love that show. I will be tweeting live (@rngfreckles) if you want to follow along. And of course, I will update here as well.

Just a reminder, only about 15 days are left before my Cystic Fibrosis fundraiser ends! Please read my previous post and get involved before it's too late!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Dead Wrong

This week's "Bachelor" send-off was killer. Shawntel, the funeral director, was the gal left standing without a rose on Monday night. It's funny, because I had just picked her to be in the finale last week. Oh, well. Her hometown date was weird. I think it was good to let Brad see where she worked and how things went, but she really needed to make him feel comfortable. He looked scared most of the time he was at the funeral home. Then, when Brad met her parents, it got even more awkward. Shawntel and her father needed to talk before the date to make sure they were on the same page. Everything came out right in front of Brad and he had to make a decision then as to if he should mess with her father's business plans by choosing Shawntel. You could tell she was really in love him though.

It is now my guess that Chantal will be the other girl in the end with Emily. I just don't see it with Ashley. I know he was really comfortable with her family, but it isn't the family that wins the heart of the's the girl. Back to Emily, I am so glad her daughter opened up to Brad! They looked like a cute, little family. I could definitely see that in the future for them. So sweet!

Last night's episode of "Biggest Loser" was difficult to watch. Was it just me or were the parents' plans to save their kids confusing? Jesse argued like he wasn't sure if he would help Arthur. Then all the parents threw the weigh-in knowing they would have two people from their team sent home. I don't know...I was just confused for the last half of the show.

I don't really comment about "Parenthood," but last night's episode was intriguing. Tim had come home from class around the end of "Biggest Loser" and sat down next to me to watch "Parenthood." There was a seen where the grandparents were in the laundry room and things got...steamy. I know older people are intimate, but I had a hard time watching that last night. I looked at Tim and he had a look of disgust on his face, too! lol Anyway, I had to mention that. =+)

Monday, February 21, 2011

Pounds for Crowns Weigh-in

As I mentioned in my last post, I decided to stop doing the P90X program due to gaining weight the first 3 weeks. I started on the old Weight Watchers Flex program today. A few of the ladies at my church get together each Sunday night and have a weekly weigh-in. Our leader thought of the name "Pounds for Crowns." Each week, we bring $1 and after a few months, we donate the funds to one of our missionaries. Neat, huh?! I thought so, too.

I weighed in last night (going to be transparent and accountable to my readers!) at 166.0 pounds. Our first goal as a group is to lose 10%. This means my first goal is 16.6 pounds and my second goal is 30 total pounds. I get 25 WW points a day and 35 flex points for the week. If you're not sure what I'm talking about...sorry! Just google it and there are plenty of sites that can explain it for you. The last time I was on this program, I lost 25 pounds. You might be asking why I gained the weight back. Well, I had a baby. I lost most of the baby weight in the first year. But around the time I stopped nursing, the pounds piled on. It was my own fault! I knew I wasn't eating right. Yeah, we ate "healthy" most of the time because of my son, but my portions were large. I also kept a stash of stuff Joshua couldn't eat and would snack after he laid down to sleep. It is my goal that I will continue every day to make my eating habits I have learned from WW stick for years to come. Pray for me as I go on this journey and I wish you success in any weight-loss program you may be participating in! (If you are, and you are a friend of mine on FB, message me about the e-mail accountability program I'm in.)

The weather has been incredible the last few days. Today will be the last nice day for a little while. I plan on taking advantage of it as soon as Joshua wakes up from his nap. And maybe Tim will join us for a family walk! With the beautiful weather, we were able to go to 2 Apprentice School baseball games. Unfortunately, they lost both of them. But we always have a great time when we go. Joshua loved running around and talking to everyone nearby. Silly kid.

Looking forward to watching "The Bachelor" tonight to see how Brad reacts to being in the girls' home environment. I really hope Emily's little girl will open up to Brad. It will help their relationship so much! Of course, I'll write about it later this week. Don't forget to read my post on how you can help me raise funds for Cystic Fibrosis research! ( ) Only 23 days left! Hope you all have a great day.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Say Bye-Bye

This was the week of bittersweet goodbyes. Unsure what I mean? Let me explain...

Brad (The Bachelor) said goodbye to Britt and Michelle on Monday. No surprise, really. He didn't give Britt an opportunity to get closer to him in the weeks prior, and Michelle was just crazy. I think I know who the final 2 girls are going to be. I'm fairly certain Shawntel (the funeral director) and Emily will be the last girls. But unless Emily declares her love for Brad before the finale, she will be standing alone in the end. I hate to see that, but she is not opening up very well to him. Remember, this is what happened to Tenley in Jake's season. Shawntel is starting to grow on me, too. But Ashley and Chantal are just too emotional and full of drama. Can't see him with either of them.

We said goodbye to Jay on "The Biggest Loser" on Tuesday night. It was hard to watch. Arthur now has the black team behind him, but Jen and Jay were the losers in the whole situation. Don't get me wrong. I am proud of Arthur and how far he came this week. It was a big burden to lose the weight, and boy, did he ever! Twenty pounds in a week!! It just shows that working out, without adding the right diet, can backfire when trying to lose weight. I really hope he has changed.

Because of the Red Team's decision to only look out for their "family," I believe they have shot themselves in the foot. They should have done the logical thing and voted off Kaylee because of the limit of weight she will be losing in the future. But they got rid of a large guy who could have helped them win future weigh-ins. Oh, well. All I gotta say is..."Go Black Team!"

And the other goodbye of the week? P90X. Yes, I gained weight AGAIN last week. We are sending the box back to the company. I will be going back to WeightWatchers where I lost all my weight last time. It will be easier for my family, too. I can still make the same things we were eating in the past. I just need to reduce my portions and eat more fruits 'n' veggies.

Please remember to check out my last post on the Cystic Fibrosis benefit. You can be a great help to so lives many affected by CF! Guess it's time to say goodbye to you now. Think I'll take Joshua outside for a little while today. Enjoy the warmth!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Cystic Fibrosis Benefit

Now for a special announcement! My family will be singing at a Cystic Fibrosis research fundraising concert on March 18 7pm at First Calvary Baptist Church in Hampton. In preparation for this event, I will be holding a fundraiser myself to donate funds toward this great cause. Fifteen percent of the total product sales through my business website February 15-March 15 will be donated to the CF Research benefit sing! This is a great way to get involved and shop for items you can use on a daily basis. Please pass on this information to your friends and family so we can really make a difference. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me here, on my twitter (@rngfreckles), on my facebook, or email ( Thanks in advance for your help!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Great Weekend in Review

Our family survived Great Wolf Lodge. Four rooms, 13 adults, 12 children (ages 1 month-8 years), and water = a great time! Joshua really didn't like the water. I don't understand why. He did like the tubes, though. He rode the lazy river with me twice and fell asleep on me in the wave pool. It was the best part of the weekend. I won't be posting pictures here because I was in a swimsuit...not pretty. =+)

Saturday night, my parents came over for a little bit. I went to the grocery store by myself to pick up some things to snack on. It was so nice not having to worry about keeping Joshua happy while looking for stuff. Ended up making my mexican dip and we had fruit and cream cheese dip. I bought the movie "Hoosiers" and we watched it after Tim and my dad played Wii Golf. Pretty good movie!

I did okay during the first Sunday of the NFL off-season. We got home from church and the Bruins game was on. They were ahead in the first period, but the Red Wings got serious in the last 2 periods. Lost 4-2. Then I switched over to the Celtics/Heat game. My Twitter timeline was saying we were losing, but by the time I started watching the game, things had turned around. What a great game! Rondo had a triple-double and Big Baby pulled through right when needed.

Hope everyone had a great Valentine's Day. I sure did! I spent the afternoon with my friend in Gloucester and her daughter. She made egg salad (one of my faves) and brownies! The fellowship was the best part, of course. I don't get out the house much anymore or get a lot of social time during the week. We talked about trying to find a playgroup that I could take Joshua to. (If anyone reading this knows of any good ones, please comment!) On our way home, we got stuck at the drawbridge. Since Joshua had fallen asleep, I decided to take the auto tour of the Yorktown Battlefield. It was a beautiful drive and an even more beautiful day. Tim texted me when I got home and told me to get ready to go out that night. He surprised me and took me to the Captain George's seafood restaurant in Williamsburg. It was sooooo good! They have a few locations on the East Coast. I highly encourage you to visit their website and try to make a trip to eat there. On our way home, he bought me a beautiful rose. I have such a sweet husband.

Since I went out last night, I wasn't able to watch "The Bachelor." I am going to try and watch it while Joshua takes his nap today. I also have a fundraiser for Cystic Fibrosis that starts today. I will post later on the details so everyone can get involved. Joshua is getting mad at me for being on the computer...gotta go!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

A Really Big Loser

Okay, I watched "Biggest Loser" last night going in with the impression that most of the drama was over. Ha! Arthur is not very smart. Why didn't he just keep his mouth shut? He put his team in a lose-lose situation and target has now been placed on his back. He is "lucky" the black team did so well with their weigh-in or he probably would have been voted off this week. And the good thing for the red team was Q did not back up his promise. It was easy to vote him off and move on. Next week is going to be the first really tough week when voting people off. They will have spent between 2-7 weeks together, friendships will be made, and then someone will have to go home. I noticed the preview for next week looks really emotional. Grab your tissues, folks!

Hockey and basketball are in full swing and baseball season will be starting soon. Busch Gardens opens in a little over a month. I hear birds singing outside my window in the mornings now. You guys know what all this means, right? Warmer weather will be here soon! But first, we have a sprinkling of snow scheduled tomorrow. Yuck. I like snow, on holidays, but that's about it. I'll be so glad when summer gets here.

Joshua is yelling about something so I better go. We're getting ready to hang out with Aunt Bebop and my grandparents today. Have a great Wednesday!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Green, Yellow, and Bloody Football

Congratulations to the Green Bay Packers on winning Super Bowl XLV! I was only 2 points away from being right on the money with the final score. My husband told me, before the game, the score I had was too high. As the game went on, he changed his tune and said I was going to be pretty close. I love when he knows that I am right!

As I mentioned before, my mom is a Packers fan. We invited my parents over to our house for the game. My son, Joshua, was running around the room while we were eating and watching the game. Next thing we know, he hits the wood floor, face first. He almost put his teeth through his bottom lip and it wouldn't stop bleeding. And he didn't want us to put ice on it so he screamed the whole time. Then, he didn't want anyone but my mom and the only thing that calmed him down was watching SpongeBob. She didn't even get to watch the last half of the game. I felt bad about the whole thing, but she was glad she could help. BTW, Joshua is fine now. He had a swollen lip yesterday but it has gone down a lot today. Poor baby!

I watched "The Bachelor" last night. I didn't think Michelle could get any scarier, but she did last night. I can't believe Brad didn't send her home. I am pretty certain she saw Jake's season and is trying to win like Vienna being a crazy stalker. Now that there is only 6 ladies left, things are going to get even more emotional in the weeks to come. He will have more time to spend with each girl which means more jealousy with the other girls. Oh, what fun!

P90X update: I started Week 3 yesterday. I have been weighing in each week to see how much I'm losing. After Week 1, I gained 1.6 pounds. After Week 2, I lost one pound. So, I am now at +0.6 pounds. Ugh. I have decided to stop doing the exact diet they call for, but I follow the guidelines. If I wasn't losing anything after doing it exactly like they said, I don't see why I can't eat my own way and try to lose more. And Tim has been so busy with school work that he stopped doing the workouts for now. I'm hoping he starts back up next week.

We are going to Great Wolf Lodge this weekend with our families. I was really hoping to have lost a few pounds before getting in my swimsuit, but no hope there. Anyway, it should be a great time. Joshua is old enough this year to enjoy the water and I get to meet my 2 new neices, Sarah and Hannah! I hope to update again before we go, but I never know if Joshua will let me do so. So, just in case...have a great week everyone!

Friday, February 4, 2011

Super Bowl Week (and other stuff)

I should be watching all the coverage of the Super Bowl knowing my Patriots are going. But they're not. At least I can be happy hearing that they are winning all the AP/NFL awards this week! Tom Brady got OPOY and Belichick is COY. MVP will probably also go to Brady. Too bad we couldn't have a Super Bowl win as the cherry on top. The crazy thing is...we weren't expected to do as well as we did! Imagine the possibilities this coming year!! (Provided there is no lockout.)

My pick for SB 45: Steelers 27 - Packers 31  Everone is talking about how the Steelers' defense is going to smear Green Bay, but I just don't think it will happen. Of course, I could be wrong! I picked a GB/NE Super Bowl at the beginning of the season and it didn't happen. But, boy, was I close!

Now to the "other stuff." "Biggest Loser:" I thought they would be playing the second half of last week's episode after the SOTU. Oops. So, I had to wait until this week's episode to finally get an answer. I am so glad Don was voted off, even though he kinda voted himself off. It was nice to see that his son has started talking to him again. I figured now that the twins were gone, most of the drama was as well. But it looks like Q is going to have drama follow him until he gets his attitude right. I really wish the other team members would have just voted him off because he's going to be a future threat anyway. Q definitely has a target on his back if he doesn't start working harder.

I was disappointed and thrilled about this week's episode of "The Bachelor." The disappointment was the 2-on-1 date with the Ashleys. I think he sent the wrong one home. Brad hates drama, but he kept the Ashley that is one of the most emotionally distraught girls on the show! I've been reading Chris Harrison's blog each week and he said we have to realize that all we see is not relayed to Brad. It's up to Brad to figure out what each girl is like. Not like it matters anyway...because I hope he picks Emily in the end! This was the highlight of the week. His spending more time with Emily is giving her more confidence in him and will help her open up more. The NASCAR date was a great push in the right direction. The other girls are right to be jealous but shouldn't get weepy over it. (I say that, but I haven't been through it myself. Guess I got no room to talk, huh?)

I forgot to mention that I really enjoyed the latest new episode of "Castle." (My dad and I watch it and then talk about it later. I like that a lot!) There is so much romantic tension between Beckett and Castle. So it was weird to see them lip-lock! Weird, but in a good way. I am also looking forward to the latest season of "Who Do You Think You Are?" that starts tonight. Vanessa Williams is first.

My weekend will be pretty busy, so I should be back on Monday to write again. I will share my P90X update and of course talk about the results of the Super Bowl. Hope you have a great weekend and enjoy the game!